Test Tense 1 煩???

2014-01-07 7:06 pm
Sue: Paul ! What ____________ you ____________ (do) now?
Paul:Hi, Sue. I _____________ (work) out the answer of a Maths sum.
Sue:I ________________ (not finish) my Maths home work yet. But Angel
_______________already ____________ (do) it. She ____________
just ______________ (call) me.
Paul: I see. ____________ you ________________ (make) sandwiches for
The party tonight?
Sue : No. I ___________ (hurt) my little finger yesterday. I ____________
(cut) an orange when the accident happened. It was painful so I
______________ (cry)
Paul:Oh dear!
Sue:But I think my finger __________________ (recover) well now.
Paul:I’m glad to hear that. Please take care!
Sue :Thanks! My mother ________________ (bake) a chocolate cake for us
Paul :Wow! I ________________ (eat) a chocolate cake for a long time!
I can’t wait to try your mum’s cake.


Hi Jeremy,

How (1)___________(be) you?

I (2)_________________ (borrow) a book from the library yesterday. It (3) ___________ (be) about the Wright Brothers. These two brothers (4)_____________ (invent) a plane. They (5)_______________ (be) very hard-working and intelligent. They (6)______________(not give up) when the (7) _______________ (fail), but they just (8) ________________ (keep on) trying. So I admire them very much.

What (9) _______________ you _______________ (want) to be when you (10) ________________(grow up) ? I (11) ______________ (want) to be an inventor like either one of the Wright Brothers. So from now on, I (12) _________________(be) more hard-working. I will not play computer games all the time anymore. I believe my dream (13) ______________(come) true one day.

Please (14) _________________ (reply) and tell me about your dream job.

回答 (1)

2014-01-07 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sue: Paul ! What are you doing (do) now?
Paul:Hi, Sue. I am working (work) out the answer of a Maths sum.
Sue:I have not finished (not finish) my Maths home work yet. But Angel
has already done (do) it. She has just called (call) me.
Paul: I see. Will you make (make) sandwiches for
The party tonight?
Sue : No. I hurt (hurt) my little finger yesterday. I cut (cut) an orange when the accident happened. It was painful so I cried (cry)
Paul:Oh dear!
Sue:But I think my finger is recovering (recover) well now.
Paul:I’m glad to hear that. Please take care!
Sue :Thanks! My mother is baking (bake) a chocolate cake for us
Paul :Wow! I have not eaten (eat) a chocolate cake for a long time!
I can’t wait to try your mum’s cake.


Hi Jeremy,

How (1) are (be) you?

I (2) borrowed (borrow) a book from the library yesterday. It (3) is (be) about the Wright Brothers. These two brothers (4) invented (invent) a plane. They (5) were (be) very hard-working and intelligent. They (6) did not give up (not give up) when the (7) failed (fail), but they just (8) kept on (keep on) trying. So I admire them very much.

What (9) do you want (want) to be when you (10) grow up (grow up) ? I (11) want (want) to be an inventor like either one of the Wright Brothers. So from now on, I (12) will be (be) more hard-working. I will not play computer games all the time anymore. I believe my dream (13) will come (come) true one day.

Please (14) reply (reply) and tell me about your dream job.

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