Microscope in biology

2014-01-08 3:13 am
There are two main types of microscopes, light microscope and electron microscope.
Light microscope, which can be seen in school lab, are cheaper and easier to carry. Although it's image can only be magnified up to 1000 times, this helps students understanding the structure of different kinds of cells and living organisms.
For electron microscope, there are two types, transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope. Transmission microscope can magnified up to 800000 times, we could clearly see the structures of cells and the details inside organelles. However it is two-dimensional, only black and white image are shown. On the other hand, scanning electron microscope can magnified up to 30000 times but its image is three-dimensional and false color are added (the process of adding false color is called staining).
The microscope help us to know more about cell structures and to know what level is a living organism is (tissue-level, organ-level, system-level). Major discoveries (for example mature red blood cell have no nucleus) are found by using microscopes. Therefore, microscope is important in biology for discovering new facts and teaching students about cell structures.

回答 (8)

2014-06-19 2:27 am

2014-06-18 12:12 am

2014-06-16 11:42 am

2014-06-12 3:19 pm

2014-06-10 1:31 pm

2014-06-08 1:36 pm

2014-06-05 3:58 pm

2014-06-03 4:14 pm


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