Why do guys flirt with girls they dont feel attracted to?

2014-01-07 4:02 am
How to not mix signs like if he's being flirty or friendly?

回答 (8)

2014-01-07 4:13 am
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I've asked this to my guy friends and they said they do this to test females - if the girls reacts good and flirts back... that gives them a sign that they might be a possible dating option (men are creatures that like a wide variation of choices even if they're not great lol) and usually, the girls do tend to flirt back so they get a self esteem boost. Guys say they do this to make themselves and the person they're flirting with 'wanted' and desired. Which I think is a good feeling. others don't even notice they're flirtatious, guess they're blessed with that!! Then there are the jerks that do it to play around with girl's emotions and basically conquer them into being their maids and talk loads of trash behind their back with their guy friends..
Yes and to your second question, you can tell if he's being flirty or friendly if he acts like that with everyone else or just you. For example, if he only opens the door for you and not other girls, that's a sign he's trying to win you over :-) there are many more but basically if he's being too nice with you compared to the rest
參考: my love life and male pals
2016-03-10 10:22 am
I do it unintentionally, I'm usually not thinking sexual things (I dunno why), and when I like a person as a friend or more, I tend to get pretty flirty without thinking about it. And apparently, my "friend mode" is pretty close to most people's "flirt mode". Ugh. Why can't I ever attract guys?! :[ It's always girls, and I always don't mean to.
2014-01-07 4:12 am
Either just for sexual pleasures or their desires of feeling sexual needs that's empty ..... There is something that always attract these type of women MONEY,LUXURY OR FAME Beware cause these women tend to break many men hearts one at a time
參考: 17 year old in higschool p.s. Seen many of this happening near me
2014-01-07 4:07 am
2014-01-07 4:03 am
because flirting is meaningless ---- its a bit of sexually based banter thats fun nothing more
2014-01-07 4:03 am
if its everyday funnyness its flirting,if its friendly, it would just be a compliment or 2
2014-01-07 4:03 am
no they wont
but they can feel attracted to different girls at the same time
2014-01-07 4:03 am
it's just an ego boost...they like to feel like they can get any girl they want.

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