How do I convince my friend(s) to listen to better music?

2014-01-06 8:17 pm
I have a few friends of mine when we hang out to listen to music and they always play this swag crap **** its really bad and I can't stand it when we should be listeneding to the beatles led zeppelin and journey among others. Its justs so frustrating when i show them my music they laugh it off like queen is for stupid people and real music is little wayne and drake kanye west. How can I convince them to listen to beteter music it's really getting annoying now we get in fights all the time about music there so stupid i swear. please give me arguments I can use against them so they can see how wrong they are.

回答 (17)

2014-01-06 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Convince them to eat your fecal matter. If you can do that, you can make them do ANYTHING.
2014-01-06 8:19 pm
What the fck did you just fcking say about me, you Little Wayne? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Berklee, and I’ve been involved in numerous anti-Bieber campaigns, and I have over 300 confirmed Beliber kills. I am trained in music warfare and I’m the top defener in the entire Beatles fandom. You are nothing to me but just another stupid rap fan. I will wipe you the fck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fcking words. You think you can get away with saying that sh!t to me over the Internet? Think again, fcker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of music experts across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Belieber. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call pop music. You’re fcking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can mock your taste in music in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare ***. Not only am I extensively trained in defening Led Zeppelin, but I have access to the entire discography of Queen and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable taste in music off the face of the continent, you little ****. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fcking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will **** fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fcking dead, kiddo. LED ZEPPELIN RULES
2014-01-06 8:24 pm
Don't do it!!! Do you like being forced to listen to music you dislike? Huh? Huh? Tell me! Do ya!!!????

EDIT: Does anybody see the irony in Russell E answer? No?
2014-01-06 8:18 pm
You don't. Let them listen to what they want. And also, Drake and Kanye West are better than most of that boring dadrock anyway.
參考: 45 yrs guitarist/pro musician
2014-01-06 10:54 pm
You can't change the music that people like, no matter how hard you try. After all, music is subjective, it's based on opinion. Everyone likes different things. Personally, I'm not a fan of that "swag crap" that you mentioned, but people like what they like. Just let your friends listen to the music that they like.

@Noah Is your answer a joke?
2014-01-06 10:58 pm
I will admit that I don't really care for the music that your friends listen to either...there is no "better" music. Everyone has a different opinion. Though you may think it's better, they may be content with their music. Just let them enjoy the music they like, and you enjoy the music you like. You sound really pretentious when you say "so they can see how wrong they are" THEY DON'T LIKE YOUR MUSIC, YOU DON'T LIKE THEIR MUSIC, JUST LEAVE IT ALONE. It's all opinion. Stop being so snobby about it, you won't have friends much longer if you're convinced that you're better than them.
2014-01-07 1:40 am
First off, Scotts answer is the most retarded thing I ever ever read. Second off I feel you. I hate "sawg" type music, and some of my friends like that stuff. You really cant force them to like your music.(which yes sucks) but you can find other people that like your music and hang with them. This doesnt mean leave your other friends. Just find time for everyone. We all need our friends, and we all need our friends with good music taste. Btw, your choice in music is on point (y)

Also I'm laughing at noahs answer lmfao (not in a bad way!)
2014-01-06 11:16 pm
Honestly, you shouldn't change their opinions on music. Yes, i agree with you, Led Zeppelin is great, but if they like that "yolo swag" stuff, then let them.
2014-01-06 8:32 pm
Show them Nirvana playing live,they might like how Kurt Cobain plays live like how he breaks everything I his sight at the end of mostly every concert. Just watch the end of Nirvana:Live At The Paramount on youtube and youll understand!! But the bad thing is that sadly Kurt killed himself with an self inflicted shotgun wound Into the head.

2nd Try Green Day,they can give an awesome show!!

3rd Try Blink 182 there very,very funny and perverted live though but really entertaining look up there live album called, The Mark,Tom,And Travis Show on you tube trust me its funny.

4th The Who Pete Townsend can PLAY!!!! Just look up some of his videos of him destroying his huge Marshall amps,and his guitars.

5th Try the Red Hot Chili Peppers,there a mix of rock,rap,punk,and funk. Plus Flea the bassest of the band can really play the bass very,very good!!

6th Show them Queen live even though Freddie Mercury is dead from AIDS hes still a very,very good signer!!

Hope this helped!!

Watch this video of Nirvana destroying there stage!!
參考: Im in a punkroc band and we have many,many influences!!
2014-01-10 11:22 am
Don't. Let your friends listen to this **** and be a **** of society. After all, they don't have any taste and honor from the majority. :D Rock Rules
2014-01-06 8:25 pm
I agree with you. Lil Wayne and Drake are horrible. But I tolerate Eminem. If you think they have stupid music, which they do, get your MP 3 or whatever with some earphones/ headphones and listen to your beats. Everyone has different tastes and you cannot change that unless they want to.

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