a way to turn of the internet from a tablet?

2014-01-06 12:06 pm
the problem is that my sister (younger) is gonna have her GCSE done in 4 day time, and so my dad took aways her laptop to stop her frim using the internet, but.........
now she got hold of the tablet and is not letting go....
and i'm worried.....
so.... is there a way to turn her tablet's wifi off remotely?
and something that she can't do anything with it
it's an android tablet
and it's in my under the same house, and so virus would not be illegal (i think)
just a way to close her internet off whenever it's connected
i don't have control over the router
nothing that deals a permanent damage please....

回答 (1)

2014-01-06 12:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need the router admin privileges to control the wifi remotely. I am sorry it doesn't seem to be happen without that.

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