Why am I so depressed for no reason, cant sleep?

2014-01-06 8:26 am
I am a 17 year old male

Lately I have been feeling so depressed and lonely. The past few weeks I haven't been able to get to sleep until 6 in the morning, and I sleep till 4 in the afternoon and still feel tired. The depression and loneliness comes in waves, mostly at night when I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep.

Honestly, tonight I am feeling the biggest wave of depression and loneliness that I have ever felt. And the weird thing is that I have no clue why I'm feeling this. I'm not sure if it's just a combination of bullshit that has been happening.

This year I had to transfer to a new school, while I do know some people in this school, I only have 2 friends and I barely talk to anyone at school. I guess I'm just a loner, and I feel to shy to even talk to some of the teachers. My last school wasn't great, but I did have a lot more friends their, and the friends there actually made me feel like I mattered. Now in this school, I feel totally invisible to people. I dread every day waking up and going to school, not just because I'm tired from lack of sleep, but knowing I have to sit through school.

I reminisce the past way to much, the past always seemed better what is happening in the present/future.

I barely ever hangout with my friends anymore. During the summer I was always with the few best friends I have, but now during the winter with school and everything, I feel so distant from everyone and never go and see my friends.

My grades are terrible this year, and I have very little motivation to get them up.

For a guy, I do sometimes feel self conscious about myself, and I remember that all started in 8th grade and I have been suffering feeling self consciousness.

If it wasn't for this girl I have been talking to for a month or two that I really like, idk what I'd be looking forward too. The only thing is that she lives 3 hours away, and I don't have a car, and she only comes down once in a while but stays the entire summer. So the distance isn't really helping anything, but talking to her literally just clears my mind of everything, and I feel at peace for once in my mind...

I really just don't know what to do... I'm tired of late sleepless nice, I'm tired of school, im tired of feeling like a loner, I'm just tired of feeling like there is no hope.

Sorry if I really sound negative, because, well that is my state of mind at the moment, but I really just proud out everything that I needed to say/

回答 (3)

2014-01-06 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
17 is a difficult age for most people.What happened in your past to get you to this point of feeling so depressed about everything?At this age there is expectations placed on you to be the best at everything, have the most friends, happy family,girlfriend etc.It just doesn't happen like that.That is not real life.Don't try to "do" and "be" all these things.Changing schools doesn't help.Having to make new friends is a hassle, hard work besides getting good grades.I know how you feel.But,don't believe that you must take this all on and suppose to be a winner.That is ridiculous.Start by prioritising what is important for "you".Focus on just maybe 3-4 of those things.Even that is a lot for anyone, any age.Seriously.What are my strengths?What do I like that makes me happy?Build on those things.Give yourself a pat on the back, some credit for trying.Don't compare with others.Run your own race and stop for water and a breath.That is how we get through life.This cycle you are in is preventing you from resting/sleeping.Pack it to one side.Let go, and start small.Keep in touch with your girl.Email/phone whatever suits.Do some hobbies or interests besides school work.You will start to see clearly.Sleep,feel stronger.You will be fine.One step at a time.Patience.
參考: Welfare 30yrs/rehab.Drug&Alcohol/Med Secretary/Graphic Design/funruns10k
2014-01-06 6:03 pm
you are feeling depressed probably because you don't feel good sitting through school and because of the grades. don't worry, things may not be pleasant right now, but I am sure you can overcome them.
find a way to relax, listen to music might help. This may help you have a good sleepy night.
I am sorry to hear that you had a hard time sitting through school. can you find friends in your circle only to spend/ passes the time? have a chat with them while you're at school. talk to them so you won't feel lonely.
The problems you're facing may make you think there's no hope, but once the problems are overcome, you'll see a bright road full of hope ahead of you. have some milk before you go to bed. I know the schoolwork can be stressful at times, but don't worry, just do your best and you'll be ok. have some fun besides going to school. you can find a new hope by looking forward to things and allow positive thoughts to come in.
2014-01-06 4:38 pm
Thats the power to share! I love it. You want some tips for you to sleep early?
Try these tips of mine:and before going to bed avoid thinking that will make you feel excited. Ok?
Here it goes again:
- turn off the light when going to bed
-don't drink water it will awaken you
-listen to a very sad music ,feel it's loneliness ,just reminisque all your sadness in life.try starlight memories by study music project,search it in youtube ,the trick there is lonely people tends to sleep more.just play the song repeatedly and you'll see that you're sleepy nuh.
-avoid using devices and any things that emits light when going to sleep .
- so goodluck. :) that's my trick when i'm having an insomnia. Try to discipline yourself too.
-try not to reminisque all your past, live life to fullest, live it as you're her today.
-to overcome depression, make a diary and write their all your insecurities and problems,and etc. And write there also what must be your action to fight it.
-try meditation- meditation is a great way to think about everything and to rest your tired mind, just go to a peaceful place and do it.
-avoid being a loner, if you can't beat that loneliness of yours it will ruin your life .
- and do everthing that will entertain you in your room, make a story, music, etc,draw,etc.
-so goodluck. :)

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