保良局何蔭棠中學-open day (超急!!)

2014-01-07 3:05 am
我聽人講,話何蔭棠open day 有限額,所以要先到先得-攞票入去,
如果真係, how should i do ?!because 我好似遲左!!!

2Q----if, 我咩嘢open day 都冇去,會有咩problems??

回答 (1)

2014-01-07 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can't,anyway,if you really desire this
then get the phone no. and call the enquiry office '
I have registered before haha xdddd
some friends recommend me ar><><><><
nothing at all ...but it's better to know the school some more if u want to go in
but no worries
just let it go
you will understand it better once u entered
I am saying the truth ><><><><><><><><

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