16 and worried sick HELP?

2014-01-06 3:02 am
Ok I had sex 8 days ago. Since then I've spent hours worried about getting pregnant. We used a condom and nothing broke or leaked or tore, and the sex only lasted about a minute and a half. I'm on winter break so I haven't worked out as often as I do, and I've eaten a bunch of junk food. I started getting very minor pains in my stomach and cramps, they are very minor but still there. I realize there is a slim chance even with the condom, but am I freaking out over nothing and making myself sick, or could I possibly be pregnant?

回答 (4)

2014-01-06 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
In all honesty it sounds like your mentral cycle is coming...( eating and cramps... Are my symptoms) Sometimes sexual intercourse will do that. I would not worry... However I do not have children so I wouldnt know the symptoms... But you sound paranoid. If you want just wait a few more days and take a pt test.
參考: Common sense
2014-01-06 11:17 am
Yep I went through the same thing as you. The reality is that failure rates for condoms are generally due to using the condom incorrectly. I freaked out the first time I had sex (with a condom!) because I had some bleeding a few days later that I thought could be implantation bleeding. I was fine. As long as you use a condom, you should be fine. It doesn't sound like you have pregnancy symptoms - especially since its only been EIGHT days. Sounds like your period is coming up.
2014-01-06 11:13 am
I'm worrying about the same thing. But compared to my situation ( unprotected sex for 10 seconds multiple times), I don't think u have anything to worry about!! The few minutes of intercourse will not get u pregnant because there wasn't ejaculation. Stress can delay your period too. Drink lots of hot drinks or water. That's what I'm doing.
Anyways, good luck hun!
參考: Going through the same thing.
2014-01-06 11:12 am
You're good

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