How do they determine the length of your pregnancy?

2014-01-06 2:10 am
Hi, I am 17. I am not sure if I'm pregnant, but I still want to know about this.
I have irregular periods, my last period was on Oct 15.
I haven't done anything sexual until last week. I had unprotected sex for 5-10 seconds multiple times.
If I was pregnant, then will I be able to get an abortion?
I heard that they measure the length starting from my last period. But what do they do with women that have irregular periods?

回答 (2)

2014-01-06 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
They would give you an ultrasound. That way they can see at what stage of development the baby is (which is very specific in the first trimester) & that is how they would calculate your due date.
2014-01-06 10:29 am
If you think you may be pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test about 17 - 20 days after sex, so that would be about the 20th January. If you are pregnant you can have an abortion if that is what you want. Doctors normally use the "last menstrual period" date to calculate the length of pregnancy, but if your periods are very irregular as yours are, they wouldn't do that since it wouldn't make any sense to do so. They would go by the time that you had sex, or they would do an ultrasound to date the pregnancy.

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