如果我... If i were... (送點)**

2014-01-05 7:41 am

1) If u were Miss Hong Kong...

2) If u were a boy...(u r a girl now)...

3) If u were a chief executive(leung chun ying)...

4) if u could hear what people think in their minds...

5) if u could tell what would happen in the future...

6) if u could tell whether a person is lying...

7) if u saw your best friend cheating in a test...

8) if u saw a pickpocket stealing the wallet from a passenger in an mtr station...

9) if u saw your best friend talk ill of you...


回答 (3)

2014-01-07 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

2)如果妳是個男孩......(U R女孩現在)...









2014-01-06 22:49:51 補充:
接受現實,這世上沒有如果 Accept the reality that this world is not if
2014-01-20 2:07 pm
2014-01-07 10:21 pm
1) If I were Miss Hong Kong , I would travel around the world.2) If I were a boy , I would be friendly to girls.3) If u were a chief executive , I would know the situation of the grassroots prople and help them improve their life.4) If I could hear what people think in their minds , I would put myself in other's shoes and understand them.5) If I could tell what would happen in the future , I would help people to solve the problems.6) If I could tell whether a person is lying , I would tell people to call 999.7) If I saw my best friend cheating in a test , I would tell the teacher the truth.8) If I saw a pickpocket stealing the wallet from a passenger in an mtr station , I would shout at the pickpocket and didn't let him go.9) If I saw your best friend talk ill of you , I would stop him/her and tell the listeners my situation.
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]

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