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"擺我上枱" - Put me on the spot
put somebody on the spot - to cause someone difficulty or embarrassment
擺上枱 - 即被擺在砧板上任人魚肉,被人推出來當出頭鳥,當箭靶。
"係呢件事情上, 請你哋唔好攞我上枱" 英文口語:
"Please don't put me on the spot in this matter."
(南方都市报 例句:我对依件事唔知头唔知路,你哋叫我做代表,即系摆我上台啫。 摆上台,即被摆在砧板上任人鱼肉,被人推出来当出头鸟,当箭靶。 这个词的起源和黑社会有关系。江湖人讲数(谈判)也称作“埋台”和“上台”,大家在“台”(桌子)旁坐下,饮杯茶,食个包,“有乜唔掂倾倒掂”(有什么不妥谈到妥)。通常讲数的人都是有辈分的人,如果将“未够斤两”(不够分量)的人推去谈判,就有“靠害”(陷害),利用人的意思。(南方都市 另一种说法是摆上台的台是神台。当一个人“未够班”却被摆上神台受人供养,他受不起。也引申为陷害的意思。
2014-01-04 11:16:40 補充:
set someone up - to deceive a person to play a particular role in an event; to arrange an event by deception so that a specific person suffers the consequences for the event; to frame someone.
"Don't set me up in this matter."
2014-01-04 11:25:42 補充:
稍稍粗俗就唔講個Please - Don't put me on the spot in this matter.
2014-01-04 15:07:21 補充:
TOMING88 is hungry.飢不擇食。