Mathematics - Circle

2014-01-04 8:43 am
Please help me with this question, thank you!

In the figure, O is the centre of the circle BCE. AB and AD are tangent to the circle at B and E respectively. AOC is a straight line and ∠CAB = 30°.

(a) Find ∠ACB.

(b) Suppose ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
(i) Show that CD is tangent to circle BCE at C.
(ii) A rectangular coordinate system is introduced in the figure so that the coordinates of A and O are (0, 0) and (6, 8) respectively. Find the equation of CD.

to 001: (a) and (b)(i) is correct, thank you! However, as said by wong, the radius should be 5 and so the b(ii) is incorrect... By the way, I still can't get the answer in b(ii). I get AC = 15, radius = 5 but I don't know what to do next...

回答 (3)

2014-01-04 10:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Be happy!!


2014-01-04 02:15:36 補充:

2014-01-07 14:49:16 補充:
多謝更正,你們是對的,OB = 10sin30⁰ = 5

半徑是 5 而不是 8,因此 bii) 請參考 那些年 的解答,他 「 好勁 」。信得過。
2014-01-07 6:02 pm
As all the others part that you are ok, so I just show how to do b(ii).
As the coordinates of A is (0, 0), O is (6, 8), AO = 10, OC = 5,
and AOC is a straight line, so O divides AC in the ratio 2 : 1.
By using the point of division formula, it is find that the coordinates of C is (9, 12).
slope of AC is (12 - 0)/(9 - 0) = 4/3
since AC perpendicular to CD, so slope of CD is -3/4
Therefore, the equation of CD is :
(y - 12)/(x - 9) = -3/4
==> 3x + 4y - 75 = 0
2014-01-05 1:37 am
radius =5, not 8

2014-01-04 17:39:38 補充:
所以 AB not horizontal line

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