Should I try to get Brussel Sprouts baned?

2014-01-04 4:16 am
I find them disgusting. I'm offended when I see them in grocery stores or on restaurant menues.the smell even makes me sick!

回答 (9)

2014-01-04 4:19 am
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No-one is forcing you to eat them so don't. What is there to be offended about with a small cabbage? They are delicious and there are so many different ways to prepare them.
2014-01-04 12:17 pm
Your spelling offends me.

Hey I know it was a cheap shot, but he attacked Brussels Sprouts unprovoked.
2014-10-01 2:59 pm
Have you ever tried brussel sprouts chips?

You peel off many layers of their leaves, toss them in a bit of olive oil and bake then on a cookie sheet, for just a couple minutes, in a hot oven, until they lightly brown and crisp.

It changes their taste to something wonderful, and they crumble in your mouth, instead of being tough and chewy.

Very interesting finger food and a lot better for you than potato chips.


John Popelish
2014-01-04 2:03 pm
I see what you did there.
2014-01-04 12:21 pm
Heck no, I like the little fellers.
2014-01-04 12:20 pm
The smell is like someone is boiling their underpants and the taste is revolting so I agree, but then some people have deluded taste buds and you should live and let live.
2014-01-04 12:18 pm
I certainly find them offensive.

But I'm opposed to prohibition. Last thing I want to see is a black market Brussel sprout speak easy.

So I guess the vile weed will have to stay. I ain't eating it though....NO SPANK YOU.
2014-01-04 12:17 pm
It sounds like Brussel Sprouts are already your bane.
2014-01-04 12:18 pm
I hate them myself but brussel sprouts are supposedly good for you and others like them. It's not pot where those who claim it's safe and good for you are too high to know which planet they're on.

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