Wheat pasta recipe entree?

2014-01-03 12:42 pm
I really do not like wheat pasta, but I have 5 1Lb. bags left to use up. I donate to a local charity on Sundays. Does anyone have a really good recipe that I could make and be proud to donate the entrée and they would enjoy it also ??

回答 (2)

2014-01-03 1:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I wish you had put some type of budget cost in your post. My recipe certainly isn't terribly expensive or difficult to cook, but it may be more than you would want to spend.

I have found that most whole wheat pastas take a bit longer to cook than recommended in the instructions. I make a Baked Pasta Casserole, that is really good. I can't give exact measurments, because I used a 13.25 oz box of Barilla rotini.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F
Cook one 13.25 oz box Whole Wheat Pasta to the al dente stage.
Brown about 1/2 lb. loose Italian sausage or remove the meat from 3-4 sausages and brown. Drain off fat and set aside.
Mix a 16 oz. container of ricotta cheese with a medium sized ball of mozzarella cheese, which has been cut into small cubes or shredded.
Mix the sausage meat with 2 cups of your favorite jarred pasta sauce or your own homemade pasta sauce. I usually have homemade sauce in the freezer, but have also used Trader Joe's Arrabiatta sauce, which is quite spicy.
Fold the cheese mixture into the sausage/sauce mixture.
Add the cheese and sausage/sauce mixture to your cooked pasta and mix. If it seems too dry you can add more sauce or some of the pasta water.
Put in an ovenproof casserole dish and bake in a preheated 350 degree F oven for about 30-40. This recipe can be divided into smaller containers and frozen. Bake from frozen for about an hour.

Edit: I have made this casserole with turkey sausage and have often added chopped baby spinach or a 10 oz. box of frozen defrosted chopped spinach. Be sure to squeeze the water out of the frozen spinach.
2014-01-04 2:31 am
Very sweet of you.

If the pantry excepts cooked pasta dishes, by all means.

Otherwise, make and keep!!!

Boil the noodles al dente.

Add ground beef, cooked, just pink in skillet.

Season meat w tomato paste, sauce, oreagno, parsely, minced garlic, a dash of balsamic or white vinegar, salt and pepper.

Mix ingredients gently w some milk or cream, about half a cup or so.

Place in buttered oven proof dish.

Under broiler for about 5 mins - until cheese is golden n bubbly. Obviously, top the entire dish w some good cheese - mozzarella, Gouda, Parmesan.. :)

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