請問一句英文 he would have people pr

2014-01-03 7:20 pm
He would have people present a challenge that they were dealing with and ask the group to help them solve it. Everyone could pitch in ideas, share experiences with similar problems, and offer solutions. After no more than twenty minutes or so, he would end the meeting and send everyone to attack the day. The troops left the daily briefing engaged and performing well, year after year.

請問 The troops left the daily briefing engaged and performing well, year after year.

回答 (5)

2014-01-03 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

最後這句是說 The troops left the daily briefing engaged and performing well, year after year.

2014-01-03 12:16:39 補充:
我比較好奇attack the day的中文,有大大要分享意見?

2014-01-03 20:42:00 補充:
所以attack the day的中文比較接近: 展開新的一天?

2014-01-04 15:08:29 補充:
參考: 自己
2014-01-07 7:51 pm
原文就是如此 我又回去看了一遍 無誤
2014-01-04 11:58 am
原來 attack the day是這個意思. 不過,
The troops left the daily briefing engaged and performing well, year after year.
這裡的performing well 照句意, 主詞應該是the troops,
The troops left the daily briefing engaged and (they) performed well, year after year. 為什麼會變成 performing? 這是我比較好奇的.
2014-01-04 3:31 am
這裡的the troops應該是抽象的,指"團隊成員",非部隊,所以attack the day就比較容易理解了.The troops left the daily briefing engaged and performing well, year after year.離開每日簡報後所有成員都全神投入並表現得很好,此結果是年復一年的.

2014-01-04 00:03:32 補充:
How about:去挑戰一天的任務.
2014-01-03 7:29 pm
The troops left the daily briefing engaged and performing well, year after year.



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