Biggest turn ons and turn offs?

2014-01-03 4:23 am

回答 (6)

2014-01-03 4:47 am
Genuine good nature encourages me dealiong with a liar and a dishonest person ruins my interest. Any way I like your name if it is really Kyra, my mom's name was kyra,
There are a lot of personal things that could turn you off but until they happen and I hope they never be aware things are not always as they seem and always trust your judgment turn ons and offs means you are into stuff. Try not to find out too soon ok

Hope this answers the question you di not ask and that is should I be into turn ons and offs at my age? I say no but at least you can think that is ok.

good luck

Next time
2014-01-03 4:33 am
Turn Ons
Nice face
Tight clothes
Snobby face
Turn Offs
Bad Grammar
Hot Breath
Terrible Attitude
參考: I also hate lip-biting, that's disgusting.
2014-01-03 4:29 am
Turn ons: good smelling tall guy, facial hair, country boy, blue/green eyes, short dark hair, smile, neck kissing, lip biting, *** grabbing/slapping, stroking my inner thigh while he drives, stomach kisses.

Turn offs: city boys, skinny jeans, guys in North Faces, shoes other than sneakers/boots, bad personal hygiene, long nails, bad breath, excessive swearing.
2014-01-03 4:28 am
•Turn ons:
-deep voice
-dominate men
-long hair
•Turn offs:
-weak men
-inexperienced men
-bald men
2014-01-03 4:24 am
turn on ---- she wants me as much as i want her
turn off ----- she does not want me
2014-01-03 4:24 am
Different with everyone male or female, sorry

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