When should I take a pregnancy test?

2014-01-02 6:15 pm
I haven't had my period since October 15. But I didn't have sex until last week. So that's just bc I have an irregular cycle.
Last week I had unprotected sex for 5-10seconds multiple times. He just went in and out, we used a condom afterwards. He said he wasn't close to ejaculating.

When should I take a pee test?

回答 (3)

2014-01-02 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
14 days after sex is almost always enough to get a positive test regardless of when your period is due
參考: Mother of a 3 month old baby girl who had severely irregular periods. Tested positive 16 days after sex
2014-01-03 2:20 am
You wouldn't need to take a test because you aren't pregnant.
2014-01-03 2:18 am
You shouldn't. You can't get pregnant from

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