Mathematics (F1 Percentages)

2014-01-03 7:33 am
1. A toy shop sells all toys at a 25% discount. A certain toy robot is sold for $195 in the shop and the marked price is $260. If 1 further 5% discount on the marked prices offered to VIP cardholders, how much does a VIP cardholder pay for the toy robot?

2. A department store buys alarm clocks at a cost price of $10 each. The department store offers a 40% discount on the marked price of the alarm clocks and the discount on each clock is $6. The marked price of each alarm clock is $15. What per cent of loss the department store make on selling alarm clocks?

回答 (1)

2014-01-03 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案 for the VIP cardholder = 25% + 5% = 30%

Selling price of the toy = 260×(100-30)/100 = $182

2. Marked price = $15
Discount = $6
Selling price = 15-6=$9

Cost = $10
Loss = 10-9 = $1

Percent of loss = $1/$10 × 100% = 10%

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:52:54
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