Am I pregnant?? Please help me guys!!?

2014-01-02 12:46 am
Hi, I'm 17 years old. I'm worried that I may be pregnant.
I have an irregular menstruation cycle. I haven't had my period since Oct 15.
Last week, I had unprotected sex for about 5-10 seconds multiple times. He stuck it in and then pulled it out very quickly. He said he was not close to ejaculating. Other than that, we used a condom and he did not really ejaculate inside me even with a condom on.

Given that I have an irregular cycle, what are the odds that I'm pregnant? When should I take a pregnancy test?

Guys, thanks ahead for your advice!!

回答 (2)

2014-01-02 6:58 am
Well since u haven't gotten ur period since October u should have taken a test by now, but just do it to put ur mind at ease
2014-01-02 12:50 am
Get a pregnancy test. If you already thought you might be pregnant, why are you continuing to have unprotected sex? Get a clue please.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:52:59
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