cute ways to wear this shirt?

2013-12-31 9:13 pm
okay so i bought this shirt but im not sure how to wear it..any ideas? i have it in the black

回答 (4)

2013-12-31 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cute Shirt! I would wear it 2 different ways:

#1- with skinny jeans and converse/vans those type of sneakers

#2- over a high waisted skirt, so the end of the skirt is under the skirt (if you know what im talking about

#3- Also, in the picture, how shes wearing it with yoga pants, you can wear it with yoga pants or leggings

I hope this helped!
2014-01-01 5:38 am
The end of the skirt is under the skirt
2014-01-01 5:31 am
I think you can get a mini flounce skirt and have long socks to the knees like this:

i think it looks cute

and you can also get yourself some cute accessories to make yourself look cute, like a cute alice band:

or a cute pony:
2014-01-01 5:14 am
I wear mine inside out sometimes for a different look.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 18:07:10
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