I really wanna get thin help me?

2013-12-31 9:12 pm
I don't like my look in weight so I wanna get thin. I have a lot of fashion clothes that are very cute. But because I am fat I am wearing clothes that look like sleep wear and I wanna wear cute clothes NOT sleep wear!!

回答 (3)

2013-12-31 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it's a cliche to say that exercise more and eat less but this is the only way and not everyone can do it.

i think you need to adjust your thinking before goin on diet. find someone to support you coz this is a long term fight. dont push yourself too harsh coz you will develop eating disorder.

sleeping for 8 hours a day (and sleep early) is very important.

be active, not just exercise more, but the whole lifestyle is to be active.

can try some supplement, not diet pills but i personally would take the acaiberry... it's also an antioxidant which can help you metabolism and keep you youthful.

for being cute, you can still be cute with some accessories, so that you wont be too much (like fake) but people would think you are cute ^__^

for example, get a pony like this: http://www.jade-room.com/faux-fur-pony/
or a alice band like this: http://www.jade-room.com/faux-fur-bear-ear-alice-band/
2014-01-01 5:25 am
Find out a healthy weight for your age and height and gender. If you are not in that weight range then start exercising more and eating healthier (and make you got get enough nutrients) you're goal is to be healthy instead of focusing on being skinny. Being thin isn't everything
2014-01-01 5:23 am
exercise. On average you should exercise 1 hour per day.
Sleep. Lack of sleep will make you gain weight. Best sleeping time is 10pm -6am
Don't eat too much, and don't have heavy meals after 5pm.
Don't stay in front of the screen(computers, TV, iPad,etc.) for more than 3 hours.

These healthy habits will help you.

Especially exercising. Set a goal, and strive to achieve it. OR go to a sports class.

Good luck. :)

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