Chem: thermal decomposition

2013-12-31 11:02 pm
Why will potassium nitrate decompose upon heating but not potassium sulphate or oxide? Doesn't potassium occupy a high position in reactivity series? How about potassium chloride or sulphite? What species will decompose and what factors determine the ease of decomposition?

回答 (1)

2014-01-01 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The lattice energy play important role here.

and the stability of expected product should also be considered.

∆H(reaction) = ∑ ∆Hf(products) - ∑ ∆Hf(reactants)

If the ∆H(reaction) is exothermic. The thermo decomposition is likely to take place. But of course, ∆G would be better.

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