Econs 會考班 (補習社)

2013-12-31 7:59 pm
本人今年將考 ECONS, 住於長沙灣, 請問附近有邊間補社可以介紹.

導師要細心, 指導要有技考, 成績要有保障.


回答 (2)

2014-01-04 1:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No wonder Hong Kong student is getting worst, most of the student care about the past exam papers, how to guest the right answer. don't you understand you have to work hard to learn the concepts and theory, to understand the material, aftermaths, the test or exam is something in your pocket. You go to the tutoring school to take a short cut, I have seen many so called A** student has problem when they are studying in University. They are unable to catch up or write up any essay, mainly they memories the answer or take a short cut at foundation courses. Poor advice from these people, instead of asking you study thoroughly the material other than taking those what they so call tutoring super teacher. These tutoring may not be bad, but they just teach you the short cut, you never learn enough from them. Why don't you spend more time to understand the material other than go for bad advise from these money oriented tutor.
2014-01-07 3:40 am
希望可助你,您要努力加油呀! 我親自補習 ECONS OK!.

英語 數理科.會考及高考A級.普通話流利.英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴8級.
現任英語及數理科教師.十多年補習經驗.熟識DSE 三三四學制.





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