
2014-01-01 5:53 am


Thank you!

回答 (8)

2014-01-01 6:51 am
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Astrologers predicted Libras might make a speedy marriage in first half of 2014.

星座專家 Astrologer
天秤座的人 Libra(s)/ Libran people
閃電結婚 make a speedy (sudden; hasty) marriage
※ flash/blitz marriage 只有懂中文的人懂
另外 「閃婚」一詞令一個說法擷取字台科大應外系助理教授的說法 someone rushes into marriage.


2014-01-01 17:23:18 補充:
Priest, don't worry about that. I will hold a shotgun wedding with my Libran boyfrined after July this year if need be.
2014-01-01 6:08 pm
Astrologists are predicting that many Libras will be rushing into marriage in the early half of 2014. Are Libras banned from marriage after June 30, 2014?
2014-01-01 10:17 am
It might be too late for a wedding planner, but the banquet shall still be held afterwards. I am waiting for the invitation …

2014-01-01 08:18:06 補充:
master AP, you had better not eat too much "sandia", otherwise, you might become "princesa gordita".
2014-01-01 6:29 am
閃電結婚sudden marriage 或 hasty marriage
Experts of star signs say Libra people might get married suddenly in first half of 2014.

參考: myself
2014-01-01 6:26 am

sudden marriage

hasty marriage

2014-01-01 6:17 am
Is it too late to start a wedding planner service?

2014-01-01 03:39:14 補充:
Yes, I will invite melon dude as a dish for the banquet.
2014-01-01 6:10 am
Some astrologers predict Libras may have lightening marriages during the first half of 2014.
參考: me
2014-01-01 6:06 am
Whirlwind Marriage

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