the practice sessions will be

2013-12-31 6:14 pm
The test for the official license will occur the first week of April, and the practice sessions will be from 2:00 pm untill 05:00pm each of the four Mondays in March.

請問一下這邊的session要如何說明 ?

回答 (4)

2013-12-31 7:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The test for the official license will occur the first week of April, and the
practice sessions will be from 2:00 pm until 05:00pm each of the four
Mondays in March.

session: 時段
practice sessions : 演練時段; 作業時段

官方執照的測試將於四月份第一週開始進行, 而演練時段訂在三月份每週一(計有四個週一)下午2:00至5:00.

2013-12-31 12:25:11 補充:
測試 ---> 考試

2013-12-31 13:57:25 補充:
官方執照的考試將於四月份第一週進行, 而演練時段訂在三月份每週一(計有四個週一)下午2:00至5:00.

因無前後文, 本句的license看不出是什麼證照.
test也不限於筆試, 例如駕照的鄙視與路考都算.

2013-12-31 13:58:41 補充:
訂正: 鄙視 --> 筆試
中文輸入亂跳沒注意, 抱歉
參考: 羅莉 - 閱讀經驗
2013-12-31 8:43 pm
test 筆試
practice 實作
2013-12-31 6:53 pm
The test for the official license will occur the first week of April, and the practice sessions will be from 2:00 pm untill 05:00pm each of the four Mondays in March.


EX: Q& A session : 問答時間
參考: 自己
2013-12-31 6:48 pm
"session" means "A period of time devoted to a specific activity". In your questioned sentence, "practice session" can be understood as "練習班(課)".

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