When you're not stupid as your family.?

2013-12-30 11:26 pm
All my aunts, ucles - brothers, sisters and parents, ALL; They all moved out and had kids before they were 20. I'm 22 and saving up my working money, paying my parents for it as well.
I don't spend money on stuff I don't need (with the exception of PC-parts once or twice a year).
Why are they all so "you're such a loser" towards me? Well maybe not my mom, heh. I feel I've used my teens very well, learned a lot and understood how the world works to an extent. Good grades and such in school. Don't see why I should do really stupid ****, like taking up loans I can't afford in the long run, nor get kids I can't raise atm.
Any way to explain why this is?

回答 (8)

2013-12-31 2:30 am
Since you have chosen such a different path from them, they can't understand why in the world you would choose to do that. Also, they may secretly be wishing that they themselves had made different choices, but it makes them feel better about their own choices to put you down.

I'd make a great big joke out of it. If they call you a loser, you should tell them how exactly right they are, and say thank you for telling you the truth, and to please tell you that as often as you can. If they don't bring it up, bring it up yourself. Ask them if you are as big a loser today as you were yesterday. Ask them how you can become an even bigger loser. Bring it up all the time. Make them sick of talking about it.

If you're not familiar with Dave Ramsey, here's one of my favorite quotes of his: "It's time to stop buying things you can't afford with money you don't have to impress people you don't like." You'd probably like Dave:
2013-12-30 11:35 pm
Your problem is you don't socialize enough to understand family life. Situations and problems. They are your kins, and you should be standing for them. You are not alone in this world, you have them.
2013-12-31 8:57 am
Why don't you just ask them to explain what they mean? What is it they think you are losing in life? You sound quite sensible to me.
2013-12-30 11:40 pm
They can't relate, because it's not them. They didn't know they had a choice. Be happy you do.
2013-12-31 1:41 am
Yeah, darling , tell them you are one of those rare youth WHO learned from others mistakes. A million parents would kill to have a kid with your standards. A lot come home preggers and expect mama and dad to raise their off-spring, others hit the old crones up for loans to bail them out , others free load, mooch, take drugs and steal from them.
2013-12-31 1:17 am
I find that overall its is best to ignore ignorant and stupid people, like they may appear to be.
2013-12-30 11:33 pm
They're jealous. Maybe they see your life as boring, when in reality you're on the right track. & they can't relate to you, & when people can't relate to you, the majority of the time they act snobby.
參考: None of the adults in my family went to college, or graduated from HS.
2013-12-30 11:31 pm
Obviously They just Can't "Relate" to the way You go about DOING Things... So IGNORE Their Stupidity, & keep On Doing as You Choose. That way YOU will have a stable financial Future, & THEY will end up Broke- & banging on YOUR Door- for $$$ !! ;)
參考: Remember; Better THEM -than YOU !

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