Was I wrong for this?

2013-12-30 7:11 pm
My best friend and this guy has been dating for a while now, and recently on Facebook her bf had messaged me asking do I know where my friend was at. (She had went out with her family for most of the day.) So, by the time I read his message, my friend was already home. So, I told him that she went out with her family and I had said im so sorry for the late response.😅
Then out of no where he said, "It's okay, I forgive you baby."
I kind of felt weird so I put "LOL" and then after that he asked me if I liked White guys (I'm black 😒) and I never responded to it. So, then the next day he was like "baby". I felt uncomfortable so I sent my friend a screenshot of this, and she's really pissed at him now. He keeps telling her she was joking and I have no sense of humor, but it wasn't funny to me and I don't even know him. Was I wrong for telling my friend? It honestly didn't feel like a joke to me.

Now, my friend sent me a screenshot of him saying that I'm not even that cute and he doesn't like me. I feel like he's lying to her and she said shes feel like he is too...

but I felt like if I kept responding he would think I was okay with it, and I wasn't. I thought he would catch the hint when I didn't respond to him after his first comment...then the next day he messaged me again saying "baby."


She told me shes actually happy I told her, we are really close and we tell each other everything so...She told isnt the first time they had an arguement about me too.

回答 (9)

2013-12-30 7:19 pm
No you aren't wrong that was the right thing to do because he is your best friends bf. He probable is lying because that's the only way to get himself out of a situation like that. Once he saw that you weren't interested in him he tried to act like he wasn't either. Hope this helped;)
參考: Boys are so confusing
2013-12-30 7:19 pm
He's lying. There's a reason that he sent that message to you. That's a red flag for your friend that he might be a cheater. She's dating him so she may not know a lot about him, but him asking you if you like white guys is a sign of flirting. You did the right think to tell her because this might of went over board and you may not be able to to control the situation. You did the right thing so don't feel like you did something wrong. :)
2013-12-30 7:19 pm
if it happened to me I would do exactly what you did cause this isn't just any joke you could say, unless you both "bf and you" are really close friends.
so No you didn't do anything wrong.

my fiancé and my best friend always joke this way "baby and cutie .." but just because they know each other for 3 years now and the 3 of us are REALLY close friends.
2014-01-07 11:34 am
You didn't do anything wrong. She deserves to know, and the result of you tell your friend isn't you fault anyways. The blame is on your friend's boyfriend. And plus your friend is happy that you told her, so no, it is no way under this circumstance your fault, and you didn't d anything wrong at all. Imagine if you answered him! What would have happened?! Things would have gotten too far, and you will officially become the third party! Give yourself credit for telling your friend.
and btw, i agree with you. That guy is probably lying to your friend so that he can get out of any trouble.
2013-12-30 7:39 pm
No, girl, you definitely did the right thing!! As hard as it is, for both you and your friend, I would rather my best friends actually warn me if the guy I was dating was doing stuff like this, you did nothing wrong!! You're actually one of the few good friends who are looking out for her friends!! :)
2013-12-30 7:26 pm
Yes. either he's lying to her, and falling for you. He thought she was responding when you responded.
Or he's confused. Not entirely sure what's going on, but I think you did (or thought you did) the right thing.
2013-12-30 7:22 pm
Yes, you should have stopped him from saying these word before informing to your friend. as your friend has also been affected due to this.
2013-12-30 7:16 pm
you probably should have tried to clarify whether or not he was joking before you sent it to your friend, of course he's going to deny all knowledge now because you acted too early
2013-12-30 7:15 pm
you did the right thing. that person is messed up and I think that if that person was able to tell you that even though that person had something to do with your friend he would do it to anyone.

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