
2013-12-31 6:41 am

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2013-12-31 8:07 am
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Le Salon De Thé de Joël Robuchon
Compared with the others, the one at Elements occupies a much bigger space with the enclosed area giving more of a restaurant feel. Again gorgeously decorated with the striking colours of their signature black and red, it certainly looks classy~
Bread was served first, a selection of three soft and warm from the oven. My sister and I both thought the cheesy herb roll was the best, with a mochi-like chew and it just smelled so good

The salmon crepe arrived as a big enough portion to be shared among two people. It looked so simple, yet the flavours were anything but... Chunky slices of potato baked to a melting softness, layered with smoked salmon and sprinkled with dill all surrounding a barely cooked Japanese sun egg. I loved how thin and crisp the crepe was allowing the actual flavours of the filling to shine through and best of all it didn't have the pungent odour of buckwheat which I really dislike.

The corolles pasta was an accident since they placed it on our table by mistake. However when we told them, they let us keep it anyway. A mound of al dente pasta scattered with French ham cooked in a creamy butter sauce. Definitely comfort food and perfect for the upcoming cold weather.

So satisfied~ although we were too full for coffee this time, there is always next time... preferably paired with a sweet crepe ;)

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