
2013-12-31 5:09 am
我做緊一份功課,個case 係咁,阿Mary係早上八點半俾十部車叫阿Sam一星期內修理好。阿Sam 係早上九點開始修理lee 十部車,個case 有兩幅圖,第一幅圖顯示出阿Sam整緊車,第二幅圖顯示出佢企係第一幅圖個部車(未修理完)後面,佢一隻手拿著工具,另外一隻手拿著毛巾抺汗,係佢後面有d車未修理,有d車修理左。題目叫我係一隻手拿著工具,另外一隻手拿著毛巾抺汗個幅圖寫一句現在完成進行式既句子,咁我寫"Sam has been repairing cars."得唔得。

回答 (6)

2013-12-31 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先多嘴告訴你001的回答係錯的-英文沒有was been xing這種文法的


Sam has been repairing these cars since 9:00am.


Sam has been repairing these cars since 9:00am after Mary took these 10 cars to Sam at 8:30am.
2013-12-31 11:18 am
你沒有列明日期, 不知何日早上八點半?
如果你沒有明確的指示, 你問老師, 怎可能使用現在完成進行式?
因為常理那兩幅圖是以前拍攝或描繪, 不是今天早上拍攝
兩幅圖上要列明 ”假定是今天”或老師告訴學生是今天
2013-12-31 5:57 am
The present perfect continuous tense is used to express the duration of an action up to the present.
The tense suggests that the action is still continuing at the moment of writing.In this case present moment for Sam's repairing.
The action may continue into the future,eg:-
Sam has been repairing cars since 09:00.---this tense and time are particular useful when added for time existence as a succession of states,duration and period.
2013-12-31 5:43 am
Yes you're right.
We use the present perfect continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now (which is Sam's repairing work in this case)
2013-12-31 5:16 am
應該唔得!應寫"Sam was been repairing cars."

2013-12-31 5:14 am

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