山景邨(Shan King Estate)是香港屯門的第八個公共屋邨,位於香港新界屯門新市鎮西部、青山東麓,於1983年入伙,由香港房屋委員會負責屋邨管理。山景邨是香港最後一批出售公屋之一。屋邨資料樓宇名稱 樓宇類型 落成年份景榮樓舊長型1983景富樓雙工字型景貴樓景華樓Y1型1986景美樓景麗樓景安樓Y2型景樂樓景業樓
not quite polluted
common transport(you cant say it's very very convenient)
Not as clean as others (well,having regular cleaning)
Yes,there should be markets there
for good ss
let me think
you can go and search
lots of if you can find
work hard for finding gd ss for your son
add oil ;)