
2013-12-30 1:14 pm
有些話 注定藏在心裡
有些傷 注定難以愈合
有些事 注定無法抹去
有些人 注定無可替代

回答 (5)

2013-12-30 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
翻譯英文有些話 注定藏在心裡 Some words are intended to be kept in the heart有些傷 注定難以愈合 Some wounds are predicted to be hard to heal有些事 注定無法抹去 Some incidents are doomed to be unerasable有些人 注定無可替代 Some people are destined to be irreplaceable
2013-12-30 10:06 pm
Some words are meant to be kept within oneself
Some wounds are meant to be unhealable
Some incidents are meant to be irremovable
Some people are meant to be irreplaceable
2013-12-30 7:16 pm
Some words, indwelling deepSome hurts, impossible to healSome things, inerasableSome people, irreplaceable
參考: try to keep both form and meaning
2013-12-30 6:05 pm
在這裏的 話 不可獨自翻譯, 有些話 可翻譯成 something (subject) want to say。
傷 可翻譯成 hurt。 事 不可獨自翻譯,有些事 可翻譯成 something。 人 翻譯成 people。
2013-12-30 3:13 pm

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