Bumps on a helix piercing?

2013-12-29 7:35 am
I got a helix piercing done back in October and it developed a bump. I then got 2 more above that about a month ago and all of them now have bumps.
I've been cleaning them 2xs a day with Bactine as suggested and keep my hair out of the way and don't touch them.
They don't hurt or have anything leaking, but it just looks gross lol

Anyone know how to get rid of them?


回答 (5)

2013-12-29 8:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh my goodness, yes worry about it. First of all STOP USING BACTINE. Don't use any healing agent (neosporin, bactine, alcohol etc.) Use only unscented softsoap. I'm a professional piercer. Those bumps are called Keloids, and likely will be permanent and continue to grow. You might can stop the growth if you follow these instructions. Dont touch the piercing without washing your hands, but not for the reason you'd think. The PH balance from the oil on your fingers and the PH balance from the oil on your ears are vastly different. Don't cover the piercing with anything - they have to breath.
Anytime I do a cartilage piercing (one of the hardest piercing to heal), I use one gauge bigger needle than the jewelry, so the jewelry won't bind (skin grows back, cartilage won't).
And you called them by the correct name, I'm assuming - Helix - a circular piercing through the top cartilage of the ear. So I assume they were piercer with captive bead rings and with needles. If I'm wrong and it was done with a gun and/or studs - take them all out.
參考: I'm a professional body piercer
2013-12-29 10:59 am
they are keloids, use a couple of drops of tea tree oil a day and clean it regularly, if in a couple of weeks you see no improvement you may want to consider taking it out, sorry, i know you do not want to hear it, neither did i, but sometimes piercings just......reject
2013-12-29 2:46 pm
I'm a piercer too. They're likely to be pressure bubbles, head to your doctor for a prescription of kenocomb ointment and they'll disappear quickly.
2013-12-29 9:06 am
These bumps are most likely hypertrophic scars, not keloids, and are very common among cartilage piercings. People often mistakenly refer to them as keloids, but keloids are actually far more rare in piercings (though they do occur). If they are keloids, then they will only get bigger as time goes on. If they don't stop growing then consult your piercer, however, if they are no longer getting any bigger then they are hypertrophic scars.

Getting rid of hypertropic scars are simple but can take about a week. One way to do so is to apply tea tree oil onto the bumps twice daily. You can purchase tea tree oil at places like Walmart for about 15$.

Another option is to use camomile tea. Take a tea bag and soak it in boiling water. Then gently hold it up against your bump for about five minutes each day. I had a bump on my industrial piercing and used this method; the hypertrophic scar was gone in five days.

There are other methods and you can look them up if these don't appeal to you. Stop using Bactine to clean your piercing; instead, get some sea salt and do sea salt soaks twice a day. It's all natural so there won't be any chemicals harming your piercing.
參考: Experience, lots of research.
2013-12-29 7:36 am
nah don't worry about it.

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