how does future dreams work?

2013-12-28 9:33 pm
i sometimes dream of people that i've never seen before and it happens after that ( i mean the sleeping ones)
i once dreamed of myself in England surrounded by lots of people that i've never seen and there was alot of non-white people around me; and at that time, at that time, i still thought that the majority of london was white english people, but then after a few years, i went to england for a while, and then i saw the exact scene that i've dreamed in my sleep
the same thing happened with the new boss i'm working under, i dreamed of working under this person that's i;ve never seen; a person who was living in Australia (i've never been in Australia) bought the company and then became the boss and went to u.s
so... how do they work? (doe the mind predicts the future?)

回答 (1)

2013-12-29 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The correct term is *precognitive* dreams and they occur in two forms. One is conscious; in other words, the dreamer recognizes the fact and can recount details from their dream prior to the actual event. The other is déjàvu-- that's when you dream a few seconds of your own future in precise detail. When those events occur in real time, that’s the moment of realization. Only conscious precognitive dreams are considered significant in Parapsychology, because they can be documented prior to the events which confirms them as foreknowledge of the future.

From this description, I can't tell which type you've experienced. But since both were dreams of *your own life* and you described the events as being "exact," I'm guessing they were probably déjàvu. Did the dreams show only about 5-10 seconds of future time? Did you have any memory of that dream BEFORE those events actually began to unfold? If not, it was definitely dejavu.

Now as to *why or how* it happens that we can actually dream a moment of time in the future?-- well that's a question which scientists, religious leaders, prophets & philosophers have been asking for thousands of years. There are no real answers, but parapsychologists continue to study & document precognitive dreams as part of their research into ESP and Psi ability. So if you're curious, that's where you'd look for more info: - -

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