You certainly are getting a lot of answers that miss the point. The "dark" in dark energy/matter may mean "unknown", but these terms do contain implicit assumptions that are taken as fact, which are likely to be wrong.
For dark matter it is the assumption that the movement of matter in a galaxy is governed solely by the force of gravity. Mainstream cosmology neglects electromagnetic forces, i.e. the forces that result from the separation of electric charge in plasma. If these forces were taken into account there would be no need to invent some exotic form of matter. See...
As for dark energy, this was invented to explain the supposed increasing rate of spacetime expansion. This is NOT an observed fact. It is an inference resulting from the assumption that the redshifts of light from distant galaxies are effectively a doppler effect, implying that galaxies are generally flying away from each other. There is evidence that this assumption is wrong...
As well as stretching out the wavelengths of light, the doppler effect should also stretch out the light curves of quasars (charting their oscillation in luminance), but we find this is not the case:
It is much more likely that galaxy light loses energy through it's interaction with the matter of the intergalactic medium and the universe is not actually expanding at all. See:
Also, this documentary will show you how fallible science, especially the field of cosmology, can be: