What is the tallest building in Las Vegas?

2013-12-28 1:01 pm
And are there any taller buildings in the planning stages there?

回答 (4)

2013-12-28 4:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Stratosphere is "112" stories at the top floor, with the tower/ride above it. From their website "Jutting 1,149 feet into the Vegas skyline..." (http://www.stratospherehotel.com/Tower)

I think the next tallest building would be the Fountain Bleu which has yet to open, this appears to be about 68 stories tall.
2013-12-28 5:05 pm
The tallest is Stratosphere and no planes for anything taller
2013-12-28 1:06 pm
The Stratosphere by far!!!!
2016-10-07 10:36 pm
Tallest Building In Vegas

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