Why do creationists expect evolution to be explained in detail, but accept 'goddidit'?

2013-12-27 3:44 pm
Obviously I'm not referring to anyone who thinks a god created the first life and it then evolved (with, or without, 'guidance').

However, it does seem like many creationists think that evolution should be rejected outright because every precise detail of the mechanisms involved cannot be demonstrated, and 'proven' in triplicate - yet also claim that the creation account in their chosen religious text is undeniable fact, despite a complete lack of any detail about how life was created and came to exist in its present forms.

So why the double standards?

Sorry about the horrendous sentence in the additional details. it should be clear what I mean though!


@'Jea': I am interested though - and it's possible to learn something about people even if the replies they give demonstrate that THEY aren't interested in learning anything!


@ ummm... 'billy': Many people don't "pigeon hole" themselves using the terms you give, instead they accept that the terms are useful as appropriate broad descriptions of particular stances. As for the rest of your post (none of which is relevant to the question), have you heard the phrase "Standing on the shoulders of giants"? Thousands of years ago people didn't have the benefit of knowing what others had already learnt. Now discoveries are recorded (writing was a great invention) and shared worldwide - the collective thought processes of billions of people, with generations of discoveries to build on, means faster progress than the thoughts of a handful who had to first work out the basics. Does that not make sense?


@ 'CrownedOne': Can you give more details about how you think the Bible "goes into depth of details of his methodology"? @ 'Genegee': Are you suggesting that the Bible isn't already "very boring reading"? It's hard work to get through many chapters.


@ 'Gabby Little Angel': Why believe your science teacher? Well hopefully he provided evidence for things he told you, and demonstrated why the evidence was valid. If not he wasn't a good science teacher and you shouldn't have believed him. You shouldn't automatically believe something that you are told or read - so how was 'God's word' supported?


@ 'Chicago Bob": Yes, that's an example of asking for precise details. We CAN give an approximate order (supported with evidence). How about you? Which bit did God make first? The head? Or did he start with the torso? Thanks for illustrating my point, now do you actually have an answer to the question?


@ 'nosson': Nah, you'd just 'go around the houses' instead of giving a direct answer. ;o)

回答 (20)

2013-12-27 3:53 pm
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Well, it is because they STOP thinking when the put the blame on god. They don't have to look for any other answer. They close their tiny little minds to any other possibility. Life becomes very easy when you do not have to THINK about anything. Isn't that what god's plan is all about? And why the pope is the #1 shepherd and the congregation a flock? Those of us who are not satisfied with god did it, are still looking for answers. The miracle is the hand of god for them, but an unending search for ME until I find an answer. Religion is too easily satisfied with their hand of god thing.

One other thing, the clock and the designer argument against evolution. Note they ONLY use man-made items, Of course a clock or other man-made item had a designer, DUH! You and I have known THIS since we were born. But, you can NOT say the same thing about a ROCK or anything else NOT man-made.
2013-12-27 3:46 pm
Even WHEN we explain evolution they seem to reset and go back to asking stupid questions like "but if we evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?"

They don't want to know the truth, no matter how much evidence we present to them. Their "questions" are usually just attempts to rally other creationists and make them feel like they actually know what they're talking about.
2013-12-27 3:45 pm
Don't bother. They only to listen to something that confirms their own prejudices.
2013-12-27 3:46 pm
Because creationism is all about double standards - like religion....
2013-12-27 3:47 pm
Creationists do not fail to understand; they refuse to understand.
2013-12-27 3:47 pm
That is their ultimate point.

Religion occupies the bottom of the intellectual ladder. If something needs education to understand, they will always reject it in favor of the most simple-minded possible explanation. Goddidit!
2013-12-27 3:48 pm
They won't ever tell the truth, you waste your writing skills attempting to communicate with christians.
They aren't interested.
2013-12-27 3:47 pm
What I find ironic is their descriptions of evolution are actually rooted in creationism.
2013-12-27 3:49 pm
When reason doesn't support your stance, the only thing left is to attack the opposing stance. And it's really easy to attack when you can ignore evidence and reason.
2013-12-27 3:47 pm
They're creationists!
If they had even a modicum of scientific education, they'd understand that the ONLY plausible explanation for the changes to biological forms over time is Evolution!
2013-12-27 3:47 pm
The "Working In Mysterious Ways" Defense.
2013-12-27 3:59 pm
As a Christian my belief is in the bible.

"Goddidit", is easily understood by us through years of biblical training. There is a methodology and plan to the work of God, and the bible goes into depth of detail on his methodology.

Evolution is a theory. It has no factual or truthful basis. Your arguement is less stronger than a Christians because by scientific terms it is not even an accepted truth. It is a hypothesis, that has no proven truth.

The bible outlines creation in verse 1 of genesis 1. In the beginning "Goddidit".
Verse two- the devil broke it
Verse three,on...- God went back and fixed it over the course of seven days.

It clearly states man was made from the dust of the earth, which our body as humans has an undeniable similarity to. the breath of God, that first breath of air that initiates life, and the image of God spirit.

The bible makes more sense than evolution and leaves less hole than evolution on a wide scale.
2013-12-27 8:53 pm
"Obviously I'm not referring to anyone who thinks a god created the first life and it then evolved (with, or without, 'guidance'). "
Oh good. I thought this question was directed tat me.
2013-12-28 2:42 am
What's the BIG Deal? A big argument over nuthin'.

Goddidit tells us who did it and Evolution tells us HOW Goddidit.
2013-12-27 3:48 pm
2013-12-27 6:02 pm
When asked to describe my thoughts on GOD and Religion my train of thought led me right to gravity. . .
You can’t see gravity, You can’t taste it, I just know one thing for certain, that it exists.

The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension
Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

I feel bad that if someone does not have faith they would want others to agree with them!

How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.Doesn't it make more sense to assume the existence of a Creation. The question is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.
We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created..@

Life without GOD is like an un- sharpened pencil it has no point..
You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him
2013-12-27 4:41 pm
Can U explain how we evolved. The eye first, Nope no head to put it in. Well then the Head, Nope no shoulders or neck to hold it. I know the Foot, Nope, no Legs. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

2013-12-27 4:05 pm
As children we listen and believe our parents then when we get to school we believe our teachers, never thinking if they are correct in what they are teaching us. Well this person di the research on evolution and came to the conclusion that it is nothing but a theory written by agnostic person. Read about the Scopes trail, about the huge part the ACLU played in that trail, read about Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryant, and in the end Scopes lost the trail and had to pay the $200.00 fine but in the world of public opinion the Bible lost. It did for one reason and that was that it is a series of stories and it, the Bible, was not written to pass legal muster. If it were can you image the Bible would be well over 50 feet long or longer and be very boring reading.
2013-12-27 4:01 pm
Because we actually know God, and have a relationship with Him, having been reconciled to Him because of what Jesus Christ did for us.

Everything else that He has told me has been true, why would I not also believe Him when He told me how He created all things, how long it took, and what order He did it in?

Why would I choose to believe my seventh grade, minimum wage working, science teacher over God? (Other than the fact that Mr. Adams was a good argument for the missing link...)
2013-12-27 3:47 pm
Why do people pigeon hole themselves as Atheists, Agnostics, Deists, Creationists and Theists ect ?

If we evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, (General estimate – 200,000), why does the story keep changing?
Man found in Palastine 400,000 years ago (Homosapien)

Also, in equivalent and relevant terms of time, why have we technologically evolved over the equivalent to 5 days?

Lets say 30 years for modern technology.
So: 30 years Multiplied by 10 Divided by 400,000 years = 0.00075
So 30 years is 0.00075% of 400,000 years

Now 365 days in a year Multiplied by 400,000 = 146000000 Days.
0.00075 Divided by 146000000 = 5.1 Days.

So in equivalent and relevant terms of time, we have technologically evolved in the last 5 Days.


In Lebanon - The ruins of Baalbek, according to Arabs said to have been built by a tribe of Giants for the Biblical King Nimrod consists of rocks no modern Crain can lift today.
The history of settlement in the area of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years.

And over 2,000 years ago Archimedes had worked out the solar system  (287 BC – c. 212 BC) http://www.antikythera-mechanism.com/

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein.

"Nothing is as it seems. Nor is it otherwise."
Lankavatara Sutra - Mahāyāna Buddhism

There is no greater mystery than this; that being the reality we seek to gain reality.
Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950)

The universe is endlessly going through creation and dissolution. But that does not affect the Self. The Self is beyond time and causation. Creation and dissolution are in time. In reality nothing else exists. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XV - P98

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