How can I prevent my phone being lost or stolen?

2013-12-27 1:07 pm
I just got a Samsung Galaxy SIII mini for christmas, and I wondered if there are any security devices to make it less likely to either fall out of my pocket or someone swipe it from me as they walk past me in the street. I don't normally use it in risky situations where it's likely to be lost or stolen (like in a busy street) but just want to make sure. Something like a chain you connect to you pants...?

回答 (8)

2013-12-27 1:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. the best way to prevent theft or loss of ur phone is to ALWAYS have it in ur pocket.

2. maybe there's a "anti-theft" app on google play. i don't know. i don't really need it.

maybe search online and see how people manage to keep their phones from being stolen..
參考: i use a galaxy note..
2016-03-08 7:29 pm
If you leave it in your locker it will get stolen and just because you walk home dosn't mean you need a phone.
2013-12-27 5:12 pm
Download Cerberus
2013-12-27 2:15 pm
Well, get a Bluetooth device for your conversations on the phone and keep your cellphone in a zipped up pocket.
2013-12-27 1:36 pm
Put it in Zip pocket on the front when you go out and don't use it in front of lot of people.
2013-12-27 1:27 pm
kingston lock (lol)
no on a serious note; there are apps that triggers an alarm if there are any stuff that has changed (this changes to every person)
but; if you really want to; you can set a 5min-per ring alarm, password protected; so when ever it doesn't ring; you know
2013-12-27 1:18 pm
I've had mobile phones for around 20 years now - never lost one, never had one stolen, never damaged one. You just take care of this stuff.
2013-12-27 1:10 pm
Keep it indoors at all times, and hire a bodyguard to make sure not a single spec of dust falls onto it.
參考: Experience

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