Is it worth buying a PS3 just to play Battlefield 4 Multiplayer? PS4 is out of budget...?

2013-12-27 12:58 pm
I want to buy a console, any console, to play FPS games. I am particularly interested in Battlefield 4 multiplayer. As much as I would love to buy the next-generation consoles, they're are out of my budget.

Do you think it is worth buying an older-gen console for playing BF4 online? I am inclined towards PS3 because of its bluray capability, but I am open to suggestions.

回答 (4)

2013-12-27 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no, it's never worth it to buy a consel just for 1 game, especially consels, if you say computers; you still can do alot more things, but a consel is just for entertainment, you'll regret it cuz you can't change anything unlike a pc
2013-12-27 2:03 pm
ps4 is a a better one.Contact me at phone +254726671218
參考: games wizard
2013-12-27 1:42 pm
Games are still going to be made on both Xbox and ps3. Dont buy an expensive console for one game if I was you I would the ps3 slim( not super slim because that has alot of problems) second hand because there no point spend an extra hundred pounds on a new one.
參考: Experience
2013-12-27 12:59 pm
yes ps4 will come down in price ps4 version would have better graphics and FPS

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