how can I get the guy I like to like me?

2013-12-27 8:28 am
I dont know what to say or do help me

回答 (5)

2013-12-27 8:35 am
Idk how old you are but you could try flirting and talking to him and just make sure ou let him know that you're interested because if you don't do that he might only think of you as a friend. So i suggest wearing cute clothes, having good hygiene, and look more like you put some effort into how you look. if you wear makeup than use very little so you can let you're natural beauty show.
2013-12-27 8:29 am
u cant 'make' any1
2013-12-27 8:35 am
Talk to him like you would a friend. It will all come naturally. Don't put pressure on yourself thinking you always have to say something, because you don't.
2013-12-27 8:32 am
Just be yourself. nd talk to him everyday
2013-12-27 8:29 am
Flirt & send him nudes

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