math Q x2

2013-12-28 1:10 am
Q1. The coordinates of the centre of the circle C are (4, 6). It is given that the
horizontal line y=1 is a tangent to C.

(a) Find the equation of C. 我知道這條是這樣做: (x- 4)^2 + (y- 6)^2 = 5^2
x^2 + y^2 - 8x- 12y +27= 0

(b) L is a straight line with slope -1/2 and x-intercept k. L cuts C at A and
B. Express the mid-point of A and B in terms of k. 我不知道這條如何做?
Q2. Consider a quadratuc equation (x - r)(x - 2) = 3x - 2, where r is a constant.

(a) Find the discriminant fi the equation in terms of r. 我知道這條是這樣做:
- r^2 + 6r + 7

(b) If the quadratic equation has tew equal real roots, find the possible values of r.
我知道這條是這樣做: r = - 1

(c) Using the result in (b), solve the equation (x - r)(x + 2)(x - 1) = (3x + 2)(x - 1)
if r < - 5. 我不明白也不知道這條如何做?

回答 (2)

2013-12-28 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
將 y = (-1/2)x + k 代入 x² + y² - 8x- 12y +27= 0

得到 x² + (k-x/2)² - 8x -12(k-x/2) + 2 = 0

x² + k² -kx + x²/4 - 8x - 12k + 6x + 2 = 0

(5/4)x² + (6-8-k)x + k² - 12k + 2 = 0

Let roots be X1 and X2

X1 + X2 = -(6-8-k)/[(2)(5/4}]

(X1 + X2)/2 = (k+2)/5

2013-12-27 22:14:26 補充:
這便是交點中點的 X 座標,你自己再計 Y 座標啦!

2013-12-27 22:44:04 補充:
(x - r)(x - 2) = 3x - 2

x² -2x - rx + 2r - 3x + 2 = 0

x² -(r+2+3)x + 2r + 2 = 0

∆ = (r+5)² - 4(2r+2)

r² + 10r + 25 - 8r - 8 = 0

r² + 2r + 17 = 0 (冇實數解)

原式應該為 (x - r)(x + 2) = (3x + 2) [ 是不是你打錯 (x + 2) 呢? ]

2013-12-27 22:48:06 補充:
(x - r)(x + 2) = (3x + 2)

x² -rx +2x - 2r - 3x -2 =0
x² -(r-2+3)x -2(r+1) = 0

∆ = (r+1)² - (4)[-2(r+1)]
if ∆ = 0
r²+10r+9 = 0
(r+9)(r+1) = 0
r = -1 or r = -9

2013-12-27 22:48:31 補充:
(x - r)(x + 2) = (3x + 2)

x² -rx +2x - 2r - 3x -2 =0
x² -(r-2+3)x -2(r+1) = 0

∆ = (r+1)² - (4)[-2(r+1)]
if ∆ = 0

2013-12-27 22:51:22 補充:

原式應該為 (x - r)(x + 2) = (3x + 2) [ 是不是你打錯 (x + 2) 呢? ]

(x - r)(x + 2) = (3x + 2)

x² -rx +2x - 2r - 3x -2 =0
x² -(r-2+3)x -2(r+1) = 0

∆ = (r+1)² - (4)[-2(r+1)]
if ∆ = 0
r²+10r+9 = 0
(r+9)(r+1) = 0
r = -1 or r = -9
(x - r)(x + 2)(x - 1) = (3x + 2)(x - 1)

x = 1 or (x - r)(x + 2) = (3x + 2)

if r< -5 then r = -9
then (x+9)(x+2)=(3x+2)
do it yourself.
2013-12-28 2:07 am
我想問 Q1(b) 是否要找它的 coordinate?

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