subject verb object 用法

2013-12-27 5:59 am
peter and david have a cat.

they are my classmate.

tony is a postman.

may and i are always good friends.


回答 (3)

2013-12-27 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一句子是有 object. 其餘句子無 object

1. Peter and David have a cat.
(Peter and David 是 compound subject, have 是 transitive verb, a cat 是 direct object)
句子型式: Subject + transitive verb + object

2. They are my classmates.
(are 是 linking verb; they and classmates refer to the same people)

3. Tony is a postman.
(is 是 linking verb; Tony and a postman refer to the same person)

4. May and I are always good friends.
(are 是 linking verb; “May and I” and “good friends” refer to the same people)

Verb (動詞) 種類比較複雜, 跟據你的問題, 言及三類動詞
transitive verb (及物動詞) - 有 object
intransitive verb (不及物動詞) - 無 object
linking verb (連系動詞) - 無 object

第二, 三, 四句的 main verb 屬于 linking verb
最基本是 be (包括 is, am, are, was, were)

classmates, postman, good friends 屬于 subject complement (主語補足語), 描述 subject 狀態
subject complement 可以是 noun, noun phrase, adjective, adjective phrase, prepositional phrase 與 clause
句子型式: Subject + linking verb + subject complement

Transitive verb 和 linking verb 其中分別是:~
transitive verb 通常 active voice 可轉去 passive voice. 除了這幾個字 have, fit, get, suit ..
The uniform fits him well. (no passive)
Intransitive verb和 linking verb 是 no passive, 因沒有 object

第一句子雖然有 object, 因為 have (有) 作 main verb, no passive

She bought a car. (active) ~ bought 是 transitive verb, a car 是 object
A car was bought by her. (passive)

結論, 四句都是不能轉去 passive, 但只有第一句有 object

Have 除了做 main verb, 還可做 auxiliary verb (助動詞)
I have not finished my homework yet.

2013-12-27 6:33 am
"an" object.
2013-12-27 6:18 am
a cat is a object,actually
classmates,should be
and it is subject also
a postman also acts as a object,actually
good friends ,this term acts as object
pls revise ,haha xd

2013-12-26 22:19:10 補充:
maybe it;s difficult for u to understand
add oil,

2013-12-30 13:57:40 補充:
haha thxthx

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