
2013-12-27 2:09 am
各位大大 :
When did you first learn to ride bike? Even if it was long ago, chances are you still remember how? With bikes available for many different styles of riding, there is no excuse not to get out and ride.
1. Even if it was long ago, chances are you still remember how? --> chances are you still remember how? 中, chances 如何翻譯? 文法架構是?
2. With bikes available for many different styles of riding, there is no excuse not to get out and ride. --> With bikes available for many different styles of riding, 這句話為何沒有動詞? 為何整句可以擺在前面? 當副詞來修飾後面整句? 如何應用呢?

回答 (3)

2013-12-27 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Even if it was long ago, chances are you still remember how.

Chances are算是一個句型,後面皆上完整的句子。意思是表示說話的人推測,而且肯定的機率高達9成。有點像是中文的:~八成會....../八成不會,也可以翻成應該......。

如:I didn't invite you to have a drink last night, because chances are you would not like it.

2. 這句話的動詞就是 there is 裡面的 is
所以主要的句子是 there is no excuse not to get out and ride.

如:With the help of the book, I was able to finish my assignment.

或者如:Without his help, I would have died in the accident.

參考: 自己
2013-12-30 1:28 pm
Ben +1.
Chances are ...: 很可能....
2013-12-27 6:46 pm
1. Even if it was long ago, chances are you still remember how? --> chances are you still remember how? 中, chances 如何翻譯? 文法架構是? Even if 是從屬連接詞引導子句當副詞用,修飾是其後主要子句chances are (that省略)you still remember how? 直述句後用問號是另一種疑問句表達方式,但語調(intonation)上與疑問句相同翻譯:有機會的話,你還知道如何騎嗎?
2. With bikes available for many different styles of riding, there is no excuse not to get out and ride. --> With bikes available for many different styles of riding, 這句話為何沒有動詞? 為何整句可以擺在前面? 當副詞來修飾後面整句? 如何應用呢? 將介詞子句提前當副詞用是有強調用意,例如:Unfortunately, he loses his job.---On Sundays he always goes to church. 主要子句動詞是 is

2013-12-27 11:00:38 補充:
After all, you are still a student.-----In fact, he is innocent.-----

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