What causes sleep paralysis.....?

2013-12-25 2:43 pm

回答 (10)

2013-12-25 3:47 pm
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When you sleep , your body becomes paralyzed . This is normal , so that you don't act out on your dreams and possibly injure yourself
When we awake up , our body also comes out of its paralyzed mode
However sometimes due to stress , medication or other reasons, the mind wakes up from sleep while body is still paralyzed . this is known as sleep paralysis

most ppl also experience something sitting on chest , hard breathing and an evil presence in their room
2013-12-27 9:49 pm
I think, causes are mystical and may belong to the astral, the ethereal and the mental realms.
參考: self.
2013-12-26 2:17 am
Either bad dream or not changing the posture at fixed intervals . you should roll few sides in between the sleep , else muscles gets tough and leads to paralysis .. also make sure bed is comfortable for you ... .
2013-12-25 10:55 pm
Lack of sleep
Sleep schedule that changes
Mental conditions such as stress or bipolar disorder
Sleeping on the back
Other sleep problems such as narcolepsy or nighttime leg cramps
Use of certain medications
Substance abuse

2013-12-25 10:51 pm
I don't know about the general cause, but it's known how to induce it. Just try to maintain awareness of your surroundings while you are lying in bed and very tired. Eventually after not moving for a while, your body will fall asleep but you will still be conscious. It's happened to me once, it was very scary. I was paralysed for about 30 seconds. It was like every time I tried to move my arm or leg, I would only succeed in "imagining" my arm or leg to move, but nothing would happen. It was almost as if I forgot "how" to move.
2013-12-25 10:48 pm
Not getting regular sleep, having a fever, and mostly happens in younger adults. Its just a dream. If you're afraid of ghosts or are otherwise paranoid, you'll dream up something scary out of a dark shape. Don't watch scary movies, they'll put silly ideas in your head.
2013-12-25 10:47 pm
Brain waking up before the body
2013-12-25 10:44 pm
Unknown. Probably same thing that causes NDE's and OBE's.

As personal experiences I get them often. Usually my body going to sleep before I do. In reality, EVERYONE gets sleep paralysis or are supposed to when sleep. If they don't, things like sleep walking, eating, driving, etc happens. I only had one of waking up while I was still fully asleep, snoring and everything, but couldn't move or wake myself up. Consciousness is just seperate from the body.
2013-12-26 1:20 am
i believe it's a form of spiritual oppression. if you are not close to God, evil can come along and play games with you.
2013-12-25 10:45 pm
This High Priest of Salem has qualities
which outshines even Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).
"Without father, without mother, without descent, having
neither beginning of days nor end of life . . ." HEBREWS 7:3
(These attributes only befit God!)

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