even 意思一問

2013-12-26 2:02 am
唔該曬 :)

回答 (5)

2013-12-26 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
2013-12-26 9:51 am
Meanings of even:1. You want to get even with me on this matter, don’tyou?If you want to get even with someone, thatmeans someone do something bad to you and you will do something bad to thatperson in revenge.2. Even though the price of this sports car isexpensive, it’s worth it.The meaning of “even though” in thissentence is 縱然; 儘管.3. I could do the job even better than Simon.更好4. I personally like consumer electronics a lot,even so I won’t try to follow the ever-increasing trend as I cannot afford it. “evenso” means 即使如此 inthis sentence.
2013-12-26 2:37 am
The adverb "even" can occur in various positions in the sentence, expressing a difference of meaning by your analysis, eg:-Even I am quite hopeful about the situation.
It is used to emphasize something unexpected or surprising
He never even opened the book.(=so he certainly didn't read the book.)
It was cold there even in summer.(=be very cold in winter.)
Even a boy can understand.(=so adults certainly can.)
She didn't even phone-call.(= irresponsible.)
It is used when you are comparing things to make it stronger:-
You know even less about it than I do.How can you answer me?
She's even more intelligent than her brother.
It is used to describe a more exact description of something
It's an unattractive broken building,even ugly !
"even if"=no matter whether,eg:-I'll get there,even if I have to take a taxi.
eg:-I like my GF,even though she can be annoying at times !
"Have an even chance"=He has more than an even chance of winning Mark Six tomorrow.
"On an even keel"=After the WW2,HK is on an even keel .
The Phrasal Verb"even out"=House prices keep rising but they should eventually even out by the HK Gov.bitter rules !!!
Hence "even" can be adv, adj, verb,Idiom, phrasal verb,etc.
Keep up your good work !
2013-12-26 2:16 am
agtee with yan tung
2013-12-26 2:11 am
even 中文係「甚至」,本本字典都係咁講,無需抄,「甚至」表示一些過份事物。

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