Is God complex enough to have required a creator of him...?

2013-12-24 10:09 am
...or do complex things not need a creator at all, and the idea that they do, is absurd?

回答 (7)

2013-12-24 7:35 pm
When asked to describe my thoughts on GOD and Religion my train of thought led me right to gravity. . .
You can’t see gravity, You can’t taste it, I just know one thing for certain, that it exists.

The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension
Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

I feel bad that if someone does not have faith they would want others to agree with them!

How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.Doesn't it make more sense to assume the existence of a Creation. The question is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.
We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created..@

Life without GOD is like an un- sharpened pencil it has no point..
You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him
2013-12-24 11:27 am
It does seem absurd to our limited understanding. We don't know if God had a Creator but logic dictates that the Creator is omnipotent and did not need creating. To understand this better we need to understand the faultiness of the theory that creative energy needed creating. There is nothing that substanciates that.
2013-12-24 10:18 am
Complexity is a natural feature of the iteration of very simple rules. There are actually only 3 things needed to create all the matter in the universe - two kinds of quarks and an electron.

Everything you see is just a complex arrangement of these fundamental elements. Jiggling them about in space creates enough different combinations of them (and there are staggeringly huge numbers of combinations) to enable the chain reaction that lead to... well.... everything.

The real question is not how complex everything is but really how simple it all is. You should spend some time thinking about this.
2013-12-24 10:15 am
never limit my Father ;D
2013-12-24 10:12 am
God is an extremely simple concept. It was made up by illiterate men. A real god would need an even more complex creator.
參考: .
2013-12-24 10:11 am
good luck with this question...
2013-12-24 10:13 am
Things that have a beginning require a creator.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:05:18
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