
2013-12-25 12:29 am

Refer to our phone conversation before, the CF which I provided included all NB (20134Q-2017).

I can provide 20134Q-2014 NB for you if you need.

If you have any future need,please feel free to let me know,thank you.

這樣寫有問題嗎?還有,"如果你有進一步的需求"用"If you have any future need"會怪怪的嗎?謝謝><"

回答 (4)

2013-12-25 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please let me know if you have any request.

Please let me know if you have any question.

參考: 我-信件來往
2013-12-25 4:29 am
future做形容詞放在名詞前面是很正常與正確的,所以可以用.只是在此處,"如果你有進一步的需求"寫成if you have any future need.即使文法完全正確,還是有點怪怪的.建議寫成:"If you have further inquiries"就有"未來"的意思.
2013-12-25 1:33 am
有幾個地方怪怪的, 第一句後半段要你提供中文才能夠修正.
2013-12-25 12:48 am
洋二 你好!!

你這樣寫大致是沒有問題的喔,有問題的只有最後一句,If you have any future need,應該要改成 If you are in need in future 。

future 不適於放名詞前面喔!

參考: mickey

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