Getting evicted at Christmas time: landlord keeps changing eviction date?

2013-12-23 8:40 pm
We have a lease that states that the landlord can enter premises after 24 hr notice. If rent not paid by the 3rd of the mth then u have 2move out by the 31st. 1st off my husband lost his job b4 thanksgiving & was w/out work 4 a month but now has a job. We came up w/ part of the rent & only owed $180. She left us with an eviction notice the day of the 3rd. Said to be out by 31st. Next day she came over 2 look 4 damages which is none. She said she couldn't stress out over some1 else's life. I said that we've been stressed 4 almost a mth. She then popped off @ me & said she came in the house while we were gone & saw dirty laundry in the bathroom floor saying I never clean my home. If I'm sick or not @home all day I'm not gonna clean. She then told me that I should have a job & not put applications in. Some1 was gonna pay a full mth rent & she didn't won't it. Then yesterday she told us that we had 2 be out on Christmas Day. She Said that it was her house she could change the lease up.

回答 (8)

2013-12-24 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Where do renters get the idea that if they lose their job they are entitled to the landlords income? It is bizarre as hell. You are not entitled to keep other peoples money. This, these really low low morals may be why you are miserable and sick.

She is right, she should not be stressed out over your problems. You should not be stealing from her in the first place.

She wrote a poor lease, she should not allow any low life leaching at all. But since she did allow for it she really has no choice and has to let you bleed her some more.
2013-12-24 4:45 am
What is ''mth', 'u', '2move', 'b4;,'4' ,'2', 'some1', '@', '@home'???
I'm sure the 'spell checker' red lined these what ever they are.
The best thing you should do - pack your things a move.
2013-12-24 10:29 am
If your rent is not paid up, the landlord can give you 3 day's notice to leave. THis means that if she gives you a 3 day notice on the 22nd, which was yesterday, that means you have to be out by the 25th, or Christmas day. I think she is trying to make a point, don't you, in giving you such a Christmas present.

Now if you don't leave by the date she sets, she can file an eviction lawsuit to have you formally evicted. You don't want that to happen because then your credit will be ruined and you will have a very hard time finding another place to live, which, in addition to your inability to spell or use proper grammar, will certainly make your life slide even more downhill.
2013-12-24 7:17 am
She gave you a notice to move. An eviction is a legal process. If you do not move out then she can take you to court. You do not want an eviction on your record.
2013-12-24 6:22 am
she can't verbally change any written, legal lease
if the eviction matter is dealt with in the lease, she and you have to comply with those terms
if you paid partial rent, and she accepted it, she can't pursue the eviction, her accepting any money puts the eviction hold, she should not have accepted any money under the eviction notice
2013-12-24 6:04 am
FYI, the landlord doesn't set the eviction date. The county sheriff's office sets the date.

Second of all, what you are describing is not an eviction. That is the groundwork to petition the court system to evict you. An eviction is a Court Order that is executed by law enforcement, normally the county sheriff's office handles evictions as the court order has to be from a county judge.
2013-12-24 5:43 am
She can't make you vacate that quickly. First she has to give you a notice to pay or vacate, usually 5 days. Then if you do neither she will have to file for eviction. It doesn't matter what the lease says she must follow the law. Google landlord/tenant laws in your state.
2013-12-24 4:49 am
the notice said 31 then 31 it is, know your rights and the law check your states department of consumer affairs, and check to see if her eviction was done by the law if not she has to start all over, if you than if you do not move she has to "serve you" and any back rent you owe will be on your credit report IF she puts it on their, pay it in better times and it's removed.
It's true your problems have nothing to do in the laws eyes as to why...just that IS rent paid or ISN'T it paid.
2013-12-24 4:46 am
In order to be evicted the landlord must first file a notice of eviction with the court. The notice will be delivered to you by someone from the office of the court, giving you the date and time when you must appear. The judge will determine whether or not you are to be evicted and when.

You cannot be evicted otherwise. Regardless of what the lease says.
參考: RE Broker and Landlord who has had to evict

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 12:29:11
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