Does my Ex girlfriend still want me?

2013-12-23 6:01 pm
I'm totally confused.
We broke up a year and a half ago, it's a long story, short version:
We dated for 3 years, no major physical relationship, due to her Chinese conservatism, ie, wanting marriage first, before sex, which i accepted.
She moved to Hong Kong, I tried my best to get to there, or Shenzhen, so we could be close together again, as an English teacher, or working in a firm.
Everytime i got close to living in China, she gave me demands "get a bachelor degree" "buy my parents a house to date me" they became more outrageous.
Then just as I spent a small fortune on the plane ticket, visa etc, everything to get to, and live in China legally, she told me that she had never loved me, used me to get gifts, she was dating a new guy who she had proceeded to f**k everyday, and that I disgusted her.
I was heartbroken in countless ways.

Anyhoo, I have a Chinese Facebook thing called QQ, and I've noticed that she's been visiting my page everyday, sometimes 3-6 times a day, but she isn't saying a word to me, nor replying any messages I sent to her.
Part of me still loves her, and wishes we were together, but with what she did, part of me hates her.
Seeing her visit my QQ but ignoring me is a torment.
Should I block her, so she can never visit my space again, or wait and see if she talks to me?

回答 (4)

2013-12-23 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you should first tell urself that she doesnt deserve u and just cut off from her emotionally and all the thought about getting back. Because even u block her from qq, u will still be bothered.

Good that to post some pictures of u with other girls. I think she's being a bit possessive that she treated u as a property of her n in control of u... Just let her know that u r living a good life... And smail ^___^
2013-12-23 6:10 pm
yeah either do what the other person said or just start posting pics of you with another girl i know people will say this is wrong but what she did was wrong too!!!!
2013-12-23 6:17 pm
Ignore her.. and possibly block her from being able to see your page.. She hurt you and now is just being nosey to see if you have met someone new and she is checking to see what is going with you and to see if you are still after her..

You should not even give her a chance again with what she did and the things she told you.. that's just a big red X and have more confidence in yourself, you will find someone better who would appreciate all that you do.
2013-12-23 6:05 pm
Block her! Move on, she's proved to that she is a liar and a user! Your better then that and deserve better! I'm sorry she scammed you.. Once bitten, twice shy!!

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