
2013-12-24 12:16 am
The world's largest collection of Khmer sculpture is held in unknown, guarded warehouses ______ only a few people can see it.

A) which
B) where

請問要選A還是B,為什麼? 請詳答。

回答 (5)

2013-12-24 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The world's largest collection of Khmer sculpture is held in unknown, guarded warehouses where only a few people can see it.
where在形容詞子句裡當述部can see it的修飾語,是關係副詞,其先行詞是warehouses。

The world's largest collection of Khmer sculpture, which only a few people can see, is held in unknown, guarded warehouses.
2013-12-24 3:05 am
Subject - collection
verb - is held

"in unknown, guarded warehouses" is an adv. prep.phrase describes "is held" .

The next part is a subordinate clause.
"where" only a few people can see it - is an adj. subordinate clause describing warehouse. This is why which cannot be used.
參考: me
2013-12-24 1:06 am
(B) where

which 既然是關係代名詞 表示在形容詞句子裡扮演一定的角色 無非是 主詞或受詞(補語)

後面的句子 only a few people (主詞) can see (動詞) it (受詞).
which在那形同虛設, 故以表示地方的關係副詞 where代入
2013-12-24 12:55 am
(B) where is correct.
B where=collection of sculpture,the place;
You use where to ask questions about the place something (Khmer) is in, or is coming from or going to. Where did you see Khmer.
You use which in questions when there are two or more possible answers response or alternatives. Which are the ones you really like--Khmer or Kremlin in Moscow?
Which are the good advertisement for you?
2013-12-24 12:41 am

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