Should i kill myself?

2013-12-23 7:01 am
should i kill myself? my life sucks and i hate myself. i was born to poor working class immigrants who abused me. when i first attended school i was always teased because i couldnt speak english very well. when i got older i developed a stuttering problem. whenever i stuttered my parents would hit me. growing up with a stutter i found it hard to make friends. i was also really overweight and fat. i would always get teased and nobody wanted to be my friend. everyday i would come home crying and my parents didnt care and they would laugh in my face and tell me to quit acting like a girl. i tried to make friends but i was always left out of things and called a fatty or laughed at becuase of the way i talked. over the course of time i felt really ashamed of myself and developed social anxiety. i always felt afraid to go out in public and talk to people because they would always judge me because of my weight or because of my stuttering. i am now in high school and i have no friends, no social life, no girlfriend, im obese, i have social anxiety, im depressed, my parents tell me i need to get a life and move out, my grades suck, i suck at sports, my teachers tell me all the time how im a failure at life and how ill never get into a college with sucky grades, people laugh whenever they hear me stutter, im so fat i cant even run half a mile in gym, i look in the mirror everyday and tell myself how ugly fat and pathetic i am. i feel like if i killed myself nobody would even care at all. every night i cry myself to sleep hoping to die. i feel like theres no more hope or reason to keep on living. i just wanna end all my pain and suffering.

回答 (19)

2013-12-23 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you see, when you reach rock bottom, the only direction you can go is up.
The problem with suicide is that, imagine the person who you will meet in the future. Imagine if that person was also needing help from someone who can understand them and that person is you. If you were to go now, what would happen to that person? not only did you rob yourself an opportunity to change yourself but that person's as well. Suicide is the most selfish act a person can commit, because you may be blinded with all the stress you fail to notice the ones who truly cares about you.

Since you have only one chance to live this life, why don't you start replacing the things that upset you and create new experiences. As long as you are living the right way, no one should be able to stop you. Nothing will change if you just let things go, don't run away from your problems, face them. Find your strength and cherish life.
2013-12-23 7:40 am
Woe unto you if you survive a sincere attempt of suicide! If you think life sucks now and, if it is not your time to go, you have no idea what kind of hell your life will be, should you fail to be successful. It takes years to climb out of that bottomless pit, to put your face back on and hold your head upright.
It's a very steep and arduous incline to just reach the surface, besides being a truly selfish act. There are no shortcuts in this life or exits before the time of your demise.
After forty years of random attempts, I gave up! I knew I wasn't going anywhere until I 'got' - what I was here to learn. So - git-r-dun! :D

Peace and Blessings
參考: Survivor of Suicide - 40 year veteran
2013-12-23 8:14 am
I care about you. Please don't. I don't want to have to take the God route, but this is under philosophy. Some people say committing suicide is the greatest sin because you are beating God at his own game. Well, that's BS. Because in reality, God puts us through life's hardships to test our strength and make us stronger. Suicide is never the answer, please believe and trust me. Suicide is the long term solution to a short term problem. Even if it doesn't feel short term, it is in whole. Please, do not commit suicide. God put you on this earth for a reason; you are meant to do something great.

Look, I've been at the point where you are; thinking that no one cared and wanting to end it all. I understand it. I haven't been through nearly as much that you have, but I understand where you are coming from. Therefore, I have to tell you this: life gets better. Yes, it is cliche, and yes, you don't believe me. You're reading this right now thinking this is another BS answer. Well, it isn't. Because I won't let it become one. I know you are reading this right now, not really caring what a stranger says who it at least 2 years younger than you are preach to you about suicide. You are reading this thinking that I'm just saying these things, and it's all fake. I'm not making this up, and it isn't fake. I have been there, where you are. And I'm just telling you that life gets better. Life turns around. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You are your strongest supporter, only you can turn yourself away from that bottle of pills, or that rope. At the end of the day, I know what it is like to read an answer like this one, and I know what you are thinking while you read this. At the end of the day, I'm sure my words will not do much. And at the end of the day, it is you who makes the decision. But the thing is people can help you make decisions. That's why you asked this question. I am sitting here, at 3 in the morning, helping you make that decision. And that decision is no. You are stronger than this, you can get through this. If I got through it, you can. Life takes a turn for the better: I am living, breathing proof of that.

Please, do not take your life. I know these words don't mean much. But if you think I don't care, think again. Why else would I be up writing this? I do care, whether I know you or not. I care. Everyone who hasn't giving you a bs answer cares. But most of all, you care. Care for yourself. Stay strong, you will make it through this, I promise.
2013-12-23 8:12 am
you reside in a world where everyone only see's your outter appearance, but listen my friend, your body does not make you, your face does not make you, your stuttering does not make you and those that believe that those things do, will always miss out on what's best. you are your soul, you are the person inside. the mirror shows you a very feasible illusion, and the media makes everyone think that this illusion must fit into a certain standard, but really, **** their standards, **** everyone's standards. you are a imperfect perfection, just like everyone else, own yourself, own your thoughts, own your feelings, and own your emotions(those can definitely become your weakness). acknowledge the fact that these people's minds are all materialistic, and that the material on this earth is meaningless, and instead allow your soul to grow, grow and grow, like the smallest seed into the mightiest tree, although, if you do desire to change something about yourself, do it, but don't do it for all these shallow people filling your head with self-doubt, and loathe, do it for you man, and your own self-gain. feel free to contact me by email, i truly care.

and also,

suicide does not stop the chances of things becoming worse, it only stops things from becoming better.
2013-12-23 7:22 am
No, you should never try to do that.
Look on the brighter side of life.
Have you try to make friends online? They may help you.
There's always hope, you just have to find one.
Killing won't ease the pain; you still have time to resolve this.
2013-12-23 7:09 am
Killing yourself isn't even last resort, it plain isn't an option. Even though it seems unapparent, there are many people who don't even know you exist that care about you. If you end up killing yourself, I'd care just by leaving you this response.

Forget everything everyone has ever said to you, and your whole entire past. Forget it all. It's never to late to start again. Every problem is solvable. Their are so many witnesses... look where Eminem was and where he is now?

Confidence is key. Once you find that, you can do anything. It seems soooo cheesy, but it's soooo true.

Everyone is loved... remember that.
2013-12-23 7:07 am
No, u shouldn't kill yourself. Things will get better if u make them better. If u want to be able to run half a mile in gym, then you'll have to start running and exercising and such. I don't think you're pathetic, if that helps. All you need is a growth mindset, and remember ppl are attracted to positivity. I do know it's hard to be positive when life looks so miserable, but you'll have to try. I believe in you :)
2013-12-23 7:28 am
Hey dear.. You shouldn't kill yourself. You are not a coward. Only cowards do this. Running away is not the solution. All that you need is to try harder to make things right. You are not pathetic. You just need to stop giving up. You can reduce your weight by doing exercise. People who have rejected you are really not worthy of being called as friends. I am sure you will find some true friends. Don't get tensed. Have faith in yourself. Everything will be alright dear!!
2013-12-23 7:06 am
Well F this is quite the predicament. But I can tell you that ive been there. and Life is definitely what you make it. If your life sucks, then do your best to change it.

You have to be determined and get motivated, even if you have to tell your parents to **** off. You are depressed because your parents are pieces of **** and treated you like ****.

Start by working out. Keep running in your spare time. Go for a jog. You dont have to push yourself, just get active. THen perhaps start weight training. The exercise will boost your confidence, even though it may seem impossible at this point.

You dont need good grades to get into a tech school. Most colleges dont really care either. They just want your money, no matter what. Just tell them your situation if they ever ask.

You want something in this life, You ******* TAKE IT. Dont sit around and mope, because youll just get worse.
2013-12-23 7:10 am
No need. You have some problems with metabolism and assimilation of Calcium. Correct those and you would be better than the best.....Why did you not mention that you have larger head? Use of following medicines will correct you largely and you will feel the difference from which you can build on...
1. Thuja 30C three times a day for three days.
2. Natrum Mur 30C three times a day for three days.
3. Calcarea Carb 30C three times a day until you find benefits.
4. Iodium 2X three times a day for three days.
5. Phytolacca Berry 200C one dose a day for three days and then one dose a week for correcting the metabolism.
6. Aurum Met 1M single dose once only to correct the tendency to suicide.
7. Gelsemium 30C for stuttering/stammering.
Best wishes.
Medicines should be taken in consultation with Homeopathic doctor.

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